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The Season of Singleness

Being single is nothing new to me, but there has been a recent shift in my mindset that I am going to share with you all. Before we can get to that, let me share with you where it all started...

For as long as I can remember, I dreamed of the "happily ever after" love stories. There was always a battle but in the end there was love. That is what I wanted and believed. Watching Disney movies, I thought that once I picked my person -it was forever. When I was in high school, I realized forever wasn't forever when my boyfriend at the time cheated on me with one of my best friends... then again a few weeks later with another girl. That was when I learned, people can say one thing but do another. People do not always say what they mean, they can also lie, and you have to move on for yourself.

Since my first true heartbreak, I learned that boys lie. I went on believing that all boys lie so there is no point in trying to believing anything they say. That was until I started to fall for ones words because he spoke of action, dreams, and the future. I truly wanted to believe it, so I did just that. Each time I believe was each time I let myself get hurt. I made the choice to believe someones words of action before seeing the action.

I am a women who values communication and action. My morals are strong and I refuse to waste my time - a habit I am working on breaking - as investing time into the wrong relationships is a fault on my part.

So why am I telling you this? Why do I share the heart shattering love that was lost? With each heartbreak, I learned what I was looking for and what I need. I learned that in a relationship I need communication, action, ambition, hard work, intuitive, commitment, and consistency. I would have never learned what I needed in a relationship if it wasn't for the "trial and error". If I didn't experience those relationships, I would still overcompensate in my relationships and I would have not learned what mutual reciprocation was.

In the season of singleness, I have decided to work on a new journal activity. Whenever I feel lonely or that I want a relationship, I will journal to my partner I have not met yet. Wherever he is or whatever he is doing, when I meet him he will know I have been waiting for him and loving him from afar.

This is a recommendation to journal to the person you need to speak to. Maybe it is an old friend or one you have not met yet. Maybe it is little or older you. Whoever it is, write letters.

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