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Get in body: Embodiment & Movement

Embodiment is to create or envision yourself in a energy space and be that. For example, I choose to embody joy and love on a daily basis. This means I show up to be, give, and receive joy. When something happens in my day - I choose joy. When I am feeling low, I choose to give joy to someone. If I need support, I ask for joy and am open to what comes in my path. The same goes for how I embody love.

You see?! Embodiment is being intentional with your energy. It is the mindfulness of your energy.

Sometime it is hard to shift and choose what you want to do, be, and feel when you are in a spiral of negative self-talk. That is where movement comes in.

Movement is the #1 fastest way to get out of your head and into your body. That bring us to a variety of movements! Dancing, cleaning, running, skating, swimming, painting, and the list goes on and on. Movement is to act in a state of movING. Yes, "~ing" is the magic that works wonders.

I first discovered ~ing from Gabrielle Bernstein and it was what changed my life. It got me active in the gym and health world. It brought me to a new community of spirituality and daily routine/rituals. It brought me to a state of peace.

If I am to ever recommend anything, it would be to check out Gabrielle Bernstein's work and find what would be of service to you. She has books, courses, podcast, workshops, challenges, and well the list also goes on and on.

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