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Solo Love Society

Supporting Badass Women with transitioning into
Confident, Conscious, & Clarity

I see you...

I felt lonely and stuck with where I was. I was lost and confused on where to go with myself. I questioned everything I did and had no confidence or trust in myself. 

I was a full blown people pleasing perfectionist who felt the need to control EVERYTHING while still feeling unseen and unheard.

And I know right now...

You feel like no one else would understand what you're going through because you can't even explain what you're feeling. You just know that something is off and feel like something is missing. 

You crave connection and to feel confident within yourself and relationships. You want to have peace and to trust yourself with who comes into your life. You want to be seen and heard for who you are rather than who people want you to be. You know that there has to be better out there.

Why do I know this?
Because I was you.

I was fresh out of a break up...

I found myself so lost because every part of my life was tied to this person I had been spending every day with. I forgot what it was like to do things alone and have solo hobbies or interest. I didn't have a passion that drove me and I was pushing myself to please everyone around me so I was not as alone as I truly felt after the break up.

I lost myself in the people around me. I overcompensated in fear of losing more people to the point that I forgot about myself. This was when I experienced a full blown burnout. After experiencing a burnout, I knew that life had more to offer to me then this.

I began working on my personal development, which meant I was determined to discover who I was outside of what the people around me knew, expected, or assumed. That was when I found coaching.

Coaching took me from feeling lost, confused, and alone to feeling the connection to love, confident in who I am, and clarity in who I want to become.

Why is this important?
Because if I can do it, so can you.
And I'm going to help you do it.

Imagine if you were...

  • Compassionate to yourself for what you have been through and honored your experience

  • Conscious of your self-talk and how it impacts you daily

  • Connected to your most authentic self and came from a place of love rather than fear

  • Had clarity about what goals, dreams, gifts, and skills you have to offer to the world so you can engage passionately

  • Confident in how you show up in the world and grow a deeper connection within

  • Loved who you are without needing validation from others

The Solo Love Society
teaches you how to:
  1. Develop compassion for yourself
  2. Become aware of your beliefs and patterns so that you can grow those parts
  3. Discover your authentic self
  4. Love who you are regardless of what others say

Even if...

  • You feel uncomfortable admitting that you are lost. I challenge you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

  • Don't have enough time. You are a priority and owe it to yourself to put your needs before others. Self-love is not selfish.

  • Are scared to take the jump. Fear will hold you back from growing. 

Here is what's included...

  • Video modules 

  • Workbooks 

  • Plus bonus audios

  • Solo Love Toolkit with bonus downloadable 

  • Link to the solo-love playlist

  • Weekly hour long coach calls via Zoom 

  • Lifetime access to the Facebook group


All included with a one time payment of $800

Here is how you can join the society...

​Apply by filling out the Solo-Love Form and from there you will have the opportunity for a free 1:1 call with me for us to chat. I want to make sure we are a good match so that I can serve and give you exactly what you need and want.

The investment for Solo Love Society Package RIGHT NOW is $800. The more it grows the higher the rate will go, so if you want to grab your seat at this value now is the time.

If you are not ready for the society...

​I still want to encourage you to apply for a call because I can then help guide you towards what other goodies I have to offer you depending on where you are at on your journey. There is no wrong answer here! Sending you so much love and looking forward to chatting but until then xo t <3

This is for you if...
  • You are ready to stop questioning yourself and trust that you will make the right decision

  • You want to become confident in who you are, how you show up, and love to stretch yourself to seeing the falls and missteps as an opportunity to grow

  • You need clarity of self and can commit to tiny actionable steps daily

This is NOT for you if...
  • You want to rely on others for validation and acceptance

  • You want to stay where you are at and aren't open for growth

  • You want to do whatever makes the people around you happy even if that means sacrificing you own personal needs

Ready to get started?

Apply for a call, book a call, and then we will get you inside the container!

What is the investment...

A one time payment of $800

What is included...

  • 6 group coaching calls (4 module based and 2 for Q&A) and if you miss a call then you will have access to watch the replay

  • 4 workbooks based on the module

  • Access to the Solo Love Playlists

  • Audios from past masterclasses

  • Access to join the community and build lifelong friendships inside

  • Bonus: The Solo Love Tool Kit

  • How long do I have access to the course?

You will have lifetime access to the content during the time you were inside the container.

  • Are there payment plans?

Payment plans are optional and if you have interest in that, please bring it up on the call.

  • Will Solo Love Society work for me?

Let's get on a call and find out! 

  • How much time do I need to dedicate to this course?

That is completely up to you. This is not to be rushed through so if you need more time, take it! The only time that is absolutely necessary if you wish to make the most of your time inside the container is the weekly calls, but replays will be available.

  •  What if I'm not sure if it's the right time?

We can chat about what other options are available for you on the call.

  • Can't I just enroll next time?

Each round has a secret bonus and limited offer so the pricing and specials you see now will not be available the next time.

  • How do I join?

Apply with the form, book a chat, and then we can discuss further on the call.

  • I've got other questions, where can I find answers?

You can book a call and I can answer all your questions or email me.

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